ホテル情報 宿泊約款・利用規約
Hotel Rules and Regulations
Hotel information
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1 当ホテルが宿泊客との間で締結する宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約は、この約款の定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めない事項については、法令又は一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
2 当ホテルが法令及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先されるものとします。
1 当ホテルに宿泊契約の申し込みをしようとする者は、次の事項を当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。
(1) 宿泊者名
(2) 宿泊日及び到着予定時刻
(3) 宿泊料金(原則として別表第1の基本宿泊料金による)
(4) その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
2 宿泊客が、宿泊中に前条第2項の宿泊日を越えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当ホテルは、その申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申し込みがあったものとして処理します。
1 宿泊契約は、当ホテルが前条の申し込みを承諾したときに成立するものとします。ただし、当ホテルが承諾しなかったことを証明したときは、この限りではありません。
2 前項の規程により宿泊契約が成立したときは、宿泊期間(3日を超えるときは3日間)の基本宿泊料を限度として当ホテルが定める申込金を、当ホテルが指定する日までにお支払いいただきます。
3 申込金は、まず、宿泊客が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料金に充当し、第6条及び第18条の規程を適用する事態が生じたときは、違約金に次いで賠償金の順序で充当し、残額があれば、第12条の規程による料金の支払いの際に返還します。
4 第2項の申込金を同項の規程により当ホテルが指定した日までにお支払いいただけない場合は、宿泊契約はその効力を失うものとします。ただし、申込金の支払い期日を指定するに当たり、当ホテルがその旨を宿泊客に告知した場合に限ります。
1 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを必要としないこととする特約に応じることがあります。 2 宿泊契約の申し込みを承諾するに当たり、当ホテルが前条第2項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び当該申込金の支払い期日を指定しなかった場合は、前項の特約に応じたものとして取り扱います。
1. 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。
1 宿泊客は、当ホテルに申し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。 2 当ホテルは、宿泊客がその責めに帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合、第3条第2項の規定により当ホテルが申込金の支払い期日を指定してその支払いを求めた場合であって、その支払いより前に宿泊客が宿泊契約を別表第2に掲げるところにより、違約金を申し受けます。ただし、当ホテルが第4条第1項の特約に応じた場合にあっては、その特約に応じるに当たって、宿泊客が宿泊契約を解除したときの違約金支払い義務について、当ホテルが宿泊客に告知したときに限ります。 3 当ホテルは、宿泊客が連絡をしないで宿泊日の午後8時(あらかじめ到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を2時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊客により解除されたものとみなして処理することがあります。
1 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合においては、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。
2 当ホテルが前項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、宿泊客がいまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金はいただきません。
1 宿泊客は、宿泊当日、当ホテルのフロントにおいて次の事項を登録していただきます。
(4)その他当ホテルが必用と認める事項 2 宿泊客が第12条の料金支払いを、旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ前項の登録時にそれらを呈示していただきます。
1 宿泊客が当ホテルを使用できる時間は、午後2時より翌日午前11時までとします。ただし、連続して宿泊する場合においては、到着日及び出発日を除き、終日使用することができます。
2 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず、同項に定める時間外の客室の使用に応じることがあります。この場合には、次に掲げる追加料金を申し受けます。
1 宿泊客は、当ホテル内においては、当ホテルが定めてホテル内に掲示した利用規則に従っていただきます。
1 当ホテルの主な施設等の営業時間は次のとおりとし、その他の施設等の詳しい営業時間は備え付けのパンフレット、各所の掲示、客室内のサービスディレクトリー等でご案内致します。
2 前項の時間は、必要やむを得ない場合には臨時に変更することがあります。その場合には、適当な方法をもってお知らせ致します。
1 宿泊客が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳及びその算定方法は、別表第1に掲げるところによります。
2 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、通貨又は当ホテルが認めた旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等これに代わり得る方法により、宿泊客の出発の際又は当ホテルが請求した時、フロントにおいて行っていただきます。
3 当ホテルが宿泊客に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊客が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。
1 当ホテルは、宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の履行に当たり、それらの不履行により宿泊客に損害を与えたときは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。
2 当ホテルは、消防機関から防火セーフティーマークを受領しておりますが、万一の火災等に対処するため、旅館賠償責任保険に加入しております。
1 当ホテルは、宿泊客に契約した客室を提供できないときは、宿泊客の了解を得て、できる限りの同一の条件による他の宿泊施設を斡旋するものとします。
2 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設の斡旋ができないときは、違約金相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。ただし、客室が提供できないことについて、当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由がないときは、補償料を支払いません。
1 宿泊客がフロントにお預けになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品について、滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが不可抗力である場合を除き、当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
2 宿泊客が当ホテルにお持ち込みになった物品、又は現金並びに貴重品であってフロントにお預けにならなかったものについて、当ホテルの故意又は過失により滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。ただし宿泊客からあらかじめ種類及び価格の明告のなかったものについては、当ホテルに故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、10万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
1 宿泊客の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当ホテルに到着した場合は、その到着前に当ホテルが了解したときに限って当ホテルは責任をもって保管し、宿泊客がフロントにおいてチェックインする際にお渡しします。
2 宿泊客がチェックアウトしたのち、宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品が当ホテルに置き忘れられた場合において、その所有者が判明したときは、当ホテルは当該所有者に連絡するとともに、その指示を求めるものとします。ただし、所有者の指示がない場合又は所有者が判明しないときは、発見日を含めて7日間保管し、その後最寄りの警察署に届けます。
3 前2項の場合における宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当ホテルの責任は、第1項の場合にあっては前条第1項の規定に、前項の場合にあっては同条第2項の規定に準じるものとします。
1 宿泊客が当ホテルの駐車場をご利用になる場合は、車両のキーを預託の如何にかかわらず、当ホテルは場所をお貸しするものであって、車両の管理責任まで負うものではありません。ただし、駐車場の管理に当たり、当ホテルの故意又は過失によって損害を与えたときは、その賠償の責めに応じます。
1 宿泊客の故意又は過失により当ホテルが損害を被ったときは、当該宿泊客は当ホテルに対し、その損害を賠償していただきます。
Hotel Rules and Regulations
Article 1: Scope
1. The accommodation agreement (the “Agreement”) and other pertinent agreements concluded between the Okinawa Marriott Resort & Spa (the “Hotel”) and the guest (the “Guest”) are governed by these Rules and Regulations; issues and items not defined in these Rules and Regulations shall be governed by the Law of Japan or managed according to the general custom.
2. If the Hotel agrees to a special provision, that special provision shall not be bound by the preceding clause, provided that it is legally feasible and within the scope of the general custom.
Article 2: Application for Accommodation Agreement
1. To apply for accommodation agreement, the Guest shall provide the Hotel the following:
i) Name of guest(s)
ii) Expected time of arrival and date/duration of stay
iii) Accommodation charge (See Appendix 1 for basic accommodation charges)
iv) Other items deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If the Guest applies to extend his stay beyond the original schedule before the end of the original schedule as per the second clause of the preceding Article, the Hotel shall process it as a new application for accommodation agreement, valid as of the moment of application.
Article 3: Conclusion of Accommodation Agreement
1. The Agreement is concluded when the Hotel accepts the application as defined in the preceding Article. However, if the Hotel provides proof of its non-acceptance, the Agreement shall become void.
2. If the Agreement is concluded as per the preceding clause, the Guest shall pay the Hotel an application fee requested by the Hotel, the amount of which shall not exceed the basic accommodation charge for the Guest’s intended length of stay (anything longer than three days is considered as three days), by the date specified by the Hotel.
3. The application fee shall be appropriated to the Guest’s accommodation charge at first, but if an event occurs to which the provisions in Article 6 and Article 18 are applicable, the said fee shall be appropriated to pay the penalty and then for the damages. If there is a remaining balance after this, the money shall be reimbursed to the Guest as per the provisions in Article 12.
4. If the application fee as defined in the second clause is not paid to the Hotel by the date specified by the Hotel, the Agreement shall become void; provided, however, that the Hotel notifies the Guest of this provision when it specifies the date for payment.
Article 4: Special Provision for Application Fee Exemption
1. The provisions in the second clause of the preceding Article not withstanding, the Hotel may, at its discretion, exempt the Guest from payment of his application fee after the conclusion of the Agreement.
2. In entering the Agreement, if the Hotel does not ask the Guest to pay the application fee as defined in the second clause of the preceding Article, or if the Hotel does not specify a date for its payment, it is understood that the Guest shall be exempted from payment of his application fee by a special provision as defined in the preceding clause.
Article 5: Refusal of Agreement
1. The Hotel may refuse to enter an Agreement with the Guest if one of the following is applicable:
i) The application for accommodation is not bound by these Rules and Regulations
ii) Rooms are fully occupied and there is no vacancy
iii) The Guest is deemed a threat to the Law of Japan, as well as public order and morals, or presents a risk to the orderly environment of the Hotel.
iv) The Guest is clearly identified as a plague carrier
v) The Guest’s accommodation request exceeds beyond what is reasonable
vi) The Hotel is unable to accommodate the Guest due to calamity, facility problem, or any other unavoidable reasons
vii) Article 5 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Okinawa Prefecture Hotel Business Law is applicable
*Note: The following conditions are stated in Article 5 of the said Ordinance.
a) The Guest is heavily intoxicated, acting in an eccentric manner, or deemed a risk to other guests.
b) The Guest’s body or clothes is egregiously unclean and therefore deemed a risk to other guests.
Article 6: Termination of Agreement by the Guest
1. The Guest may terminate the Agreement by giving notice to the Hotel.
2. If the Guest terminates all or part of the Agreement for his own convenience, the Guest shall pay the Hotel a penalty stipulated in Appendix 2, provided that the Hotel specifies a date of payment and requests the application fee be paid as per the provisions in Article 3-2. However, if the Hotel agrees to a special provision in accordance with Article 4-1, this penalty is only applicable if the Hotel notifies the Guest of his responsibility to pay a penalty upon termination of the Agreement by the Guest.
3. If the Guest does not arrive at the Hotel by 8:00 PM (if an expected time of arrival is given, it shall be two hours after that time) on the day of his stay, the Hotel may treat the agreement as terminated by the Guest.
Article 7: Termination of Agreement by the Hotel
1. The Hotel may terminate the Agreement if one of the following is applicable:
i) The Guest is deemed a threat to the Law of Japan, as well as public order and morals, or present a risk to the orderly environment of the Hotel; or if the Guest commits such a disorderly act.
ii) The Guest is clearly identified as a plague carrier
iii) The Guest’s accommodation request exceeds beyond what is reasonable
iv) The Hotel is unable to accommodate the Guest due to calamity, facility problem, or any other unavoidable reasons
v) Article 5 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Okinawa Prefecture Hotel Business Law is applicable
vi) The Guest does not adhere to the Hotel Rules and Regulations (limited to provisions necessary for fire prevention) such as smoking in the bedroom and playing with fire extinguishers and related apparatuses.
2. If the Hotel terminates the Agreement as per the provisions in the preceding clause, the Hotel shall not bill the Guest for services that the Guest has yet to receive.
Article 8: Registration for Accommodation
1. The Guest shall provide the following information at the Hotel’s front desk on the day of his stay.
i) The Guest’s name, age, sex, address and occupation
ii) For foreign guests: passport number, port of entry and date of entry
iii) Date of departure and expected time of departure
iv) Other information deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If the Guest wishes to pay his fees by a method other than traveler’s check, hotel voucher, credit card, or cash, the Guest shall inform the Hotel of his desired method of payment at the time of registration.
Article 9: Hour of Use of Guest Room
1. The Guest may use the Hotel’s facilities from 2:00 PM to 11:00 AM the following day. However, if the Guest is staying for more than one day, the Guest may use the Hotel’s facilities 24 hours a day except the day of arrival and the day of departure.
2. The provisions in the preceding clause notwithstanding, the Hotel may agree to the use of a guest room by the Guest outside the period stipulated in the preceding clause. In such a case, the following additional charge shall be billed to the Guest.
i) 30% of regular room charge until 2:00 PM
ii) 50% of regular room charge until 5:00 PM
iii) 100% of regular room charge after 5:00 PM
Article 10: Compliance
1. The Guest shall adhere to the Hotel Rules and Regulations stipulated by the Hotel, which is publicly displayed in the Hotel, as long as he is on the Hotel premises.
Article 11: Open Hours
1. Open hours of the Hotel’s main facilities are as follows. Open hours for other facilities can be found in hotel pamphlets, signs located in various locations, and in the service directory in the guest room.
i) Front desk, currency exchange and other services
a) No curfew
b) Front desk is open 24 hours
c) Currency exchange is available 24 hours
2. Hours stated in the preceding clause may be subject to temporary change when deemed necessary. In such a case, the Guest shall be notified accordingly.
Article 12: Payment of Fees
1. Breakdown of accommodation fees and how they are computed are shown in Appendix 1.
2. Accommodation fees stated in the preceding clause shall be paid by cash, traveler’s check recognized by the Hotel, hotel voucher, credit card, or some other method, at the front desk on the day of check-out or when the Hotel bills the Guest.
3. If the Hotel provides the Guest a room and it becomes available for use, the Guest will be charged an accommodation fee even if he chooses not to stay at the Hotel.
Article 13: Responsibility of the Hotel
1. If the Hotel fails to perform its duties stipulated under the Agreement and causes damage to the Guest, the Hotel shall be liable for compensation for the damage. However, the Hotel shall not be held liable for compensation if it is not responsible for the damage.
2. Although the Hotel is recognized by the fire service for meeting the standard fire safety criteria, it takes out a hotel liability insurance policy for contingency.
Article 14: Procedure When the Room Cannot be Provided
1. If the Hotel cannot provide the room agreed upon under the Agreement, the Hotel shall place the Guest at some other hotel with identical or similar conditions, provided that the Guest agrees to the move.
2. The provisions in the preceding clause notwithstanding, if the Hotel is unable to place the Guest at some other hotel, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee, and this fee shall be appropriated to compensate for the damage incurred by the Guest. However, the Hotel shall not be held liable for compensation if it is not responsible for its not being able to provide a room.
Article 15: Handling of Deposited Articles
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to items, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force majeure
2. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to items, cash or valuables not deposited at the front desk, provided that the damage was caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Hotel. However, the Hotel shall only compensate up to the amount of 100,000 Japanese yen for items of which type and value were not declared by the Guest in advance, unless the damage was caused through intention or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
Article 16: Storage of Luggage and Personal Belongings
1. If the Guest’s luggage arrives at the Hotel before the arrival of the Guest, the Hotel shall assume responsibility and store it with care provided that the Hotel has agreed to do so before the arrival of the luggage. The Guest may pick it up at the front desk at the time of check-in.
2. If the Guest’s luggage or personal belongings are found at the Hotel after the Guest has checked out, and if ownership of those items is identified, the Hotel shall contact the owner regarding the handling of those items and await his instructions. If the owner cannot be identified or if the owner does not provide any instructions, the items shall be held by the Hotel for a period of seven (7) days beginning on the day the items were found, and taken to the nearest police station thereafter.
3. For the preceding two clauses with regard to the Hotel’s responsibility in storing the Guest’s luggage and personal belongings, the first clause shall be governed by the provisions in the first clause of the preceding Article, and the second clause shall be governed by the provisions in the second clause of the preceding Article.
Article 17: Parking
1. If the Guest uses the Hotel’s parking lot, regardless of whether or not the keys are deposited at the Hotel, the Hotel shall not assume management responsibility of parked vehicles as it is only providing space. However, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages provided that the damage was caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Hotel.
Article 18: Responsibility of the Guest
1. If damage was caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Guest, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for damages.