Today's Information



レストラン ブッフェ&グリル QWACHI

Breakfast Box Information

Restaurant Buffet & Grill QWACHI

お手軽サンドイッチとして、お客様により美味しい状態で楽しんでいただく為、県産のハムとサーモンorビーフのサラダボックスをご用意いたしました。外はこんがり香ばしく、中はしっとり。もっちりとしたロールパンは、お好きな食材を挟んでお好みのサンドイッチを作ってお楽しみいただけます。 自転車レース、ゴルフ、早い飛行機のご出発などにご活用ください。

We have created an easy to make, easy to take and easy to eat colorful breakfast box for our guests. Easy to Make and Easy to Eat. Your breakfast is served with our new colorful breakfast box. You have a choice of Ham and Salmon Box or Beef Salad Box which both will bring you a satisfying harmony of the flavors.  Enjoy a freshly made salt-flavored soft baguette with plenty of butter.  Enjoy with a freshly made soft baguette and ensure your morning prepares you for a great start of your day. Perfect breakfast selection for a marathon or a bicycle race,golf or early morning departure for a flight. Orders must be made in advanse. Breakfast boxes may be picked up before 7:00 AM.

To order your Breakfast Box

・Customers with a breakfast coupon can exchange it for the lunch buffet.
・Please contact the front desk by 9:00 PM of the day prior to the date of pick up.